Pah! for iPhone is Voice Activated and Hilarious 聲控打機[圖+影]
標籤:Pah! for iPhone is Voice Activated and Hilarious, Pah! for iPhone is Voice Activated and Hilarious 聲控打機
Pah! is ridiculous. This isn't even a point of contention. It's absolutely guaranteed to make you feel like an idiot while playing it and crack anyone up watching you play. All of the sillyness still doesn't manage to obscure the fact that it's actually pretty dang fun to play after all.
Pah! is a side scrolling shooter that has you control your spaceship by saying 'Ahhhh' out loud to move it up and down as it travels forward, yes, you heard that right, and you shout 'Pah!' to shoot it's weapons. The volume of your voice will slide the ship higher or lower and a sharp outburst of Pah! or any other sharp noise really, will fire the nose canons to destroy the asteroids in your way. I cannot describe to you how difficult it is to keep a straight face while playing Pah!... so I made you a video.
I assure you that's not canned laughter. I spent multiple takes, this one was the least crappy from me laughing.
The graphics are pleasant in a mild 8-bit kind of way and I don't know what value this will have for any hardcore gamers but it would make for an absolutely amazing drinking game. See who can get the furthest without laughing. Crack up? Take a drink! Regardless of how you end up getting your fun out of it, Pah! is a funny, inventive little shooter that will have you laughing I guarantee it.
Pah! for iPhone is Voice Activated and Hilarious 聲控打機
Pah! for iPhone is Voice Activated and Hilarious 聲控打機 影片
影片:Pah! for iPhone is Voice Activated and Hilarious
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